Mobile Growth Stack by Andy Carvell

Hi guys!

Don't be afraid of the picture.

This post is nothing but one of the best frameworks out there!

Made by Andy Carvell, former senior PM at SoundCloud,  this review of the mobile stack is going to help you understand in a very deep way the different stages on the mobile ecosystem.

The stack has been revised in 2015, is organize in 5 different topics, acquisition, engagement and retention, monetization, analytics and insights and channels.

Then Andy explains each of the layers, it's probably a 15 minutes read, but you will understand so much better how does it work parts of the funnels that you didn't know. Totally worth the time.

  • Mobile Growth Stack by Andy Carvell

I hope you like it!

PD: I loved when I read that Andy developed Space Impact, the game all of us played on the Nokia 3310